Monday, March 3, 2008

Final interview

I am flyin' high today. A small part of it might be the 3 pieces of Dove dark chocolate I ate and then chased with a glass of Diet Dr. Pepper, but most of it follows the meeting Andrew & I had this morning with the area director of the American Missionary Fellowship. We had decided that to best run the camp and enter into full time ministry we needed an organization like this that could provide accountability, encouragement, and camaraderie. AMF has a long history in Christian camping ministry. We've met several of the missionaries over the past few months and decided it would be a great fit, so we filled out an application and went through the first steps of applying. This morning we met at the Sassy Onion for our final interview. There is something about meeting with people who have the same vision you have and even similar experiences leading them into ministry. I felt instant connection! They confirmed the gifts that we have and encouraged us, as we begin this next phase of our lives, that God will use those gifts as well as the trials and lessons we've experienced. Isn't it amazing that God can powerfully use our biggest failures or painful experiences for such beautiful purposes as coming along side other people to encourage them in their suffering and to offer those who are discouraged the hope that only Jesus Christ can offer. Pain can just be painful, or it can be useful, and, you learn more from failure than success. We'll find out March 25th if we are accepted.

Lord, may this all be for your glory. Use my life as you will.

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